Thursday, December 5, 2013

Get your car ready for this vacation season

It is time to start planning your Summer vacation. Whether you intend to sped relaxing time with your family or pump up the adrenaline with few memorable road trips with your friends, make sure you check your car before you hit the road
. Hot weather can certainly affect your car performance and even cause major car repairs. To avoid spending time at automotive mechanic shop instead of suntanning on the beach, stick to your log book service schedule and perform basic maintenance checks on your vehicle. Here's what to do to get your car ready for this vacation season.

Check brakes – The proper auto maintenance is very important not only for the log life of your car but also can save your life. This is specifically true especially when it comes to car's braking system. Brakes are what enable to drive safely and avoid accidents and that it why there are very important and primary part of your vehicle that requires regular maintenance. For longevity and safety of your car you must make a regular inspection of your brakes, especially when you are planing a vacation and if they are worn out you need to visit automotive mechanic and replace them, so you can have a save road trip.

Take care to automotive mechanic – It is recommended to have a professional conduct a trough inspection of all vehicle parts to ensure impeccable car performance. Regardless of how knowledgeable you are about the cars, it is best to take you car to a reputable automotive mechanic shop to avoid any unexpected defects which may lead to costly car repairs. Make sure you comply with your log book service schedule to minimize safety risks and ensure enjoyable vacation.

Check tires - The other important thing before your vacation trip is to check your cars tires because there are the only thing that attach our vehicle to the road. If there are warped, worn or maybe not balanced, then you and your family are exposed on a huge risk on the road.. If you have any of this problems with tires that will affect ride comfort, safety and handling. Also be sure that you have a spare tire which is also in a good condition and find out if you need to find new.

Check engine oil – If you have not had an engine oil or oil filter change in the last few thousand miles, then maybe is a time to get one before starting out on that vacation. If the oil is too low or is dirty that will make your engine to start to overheat and this can cause major damage. You also must be sure that you are using the appropriate oil for the season. If you fell need for this you can take your car to automotive mechanic shop and then you can be sure that everything is properly.

Check fluids and filters – Fluids are another important part of any car checklist so make sure you do this properly with your log book service schedule. Before you go out on a journey make sure you have your transmission fluid changed because if it's low or dirty in can cause your transmission to burn out or stall. The transmission fluid, fuel and oil have a filters which also must be checked. The engine and the cabin filters are important because clear engine air filter improves performance and clean gas mileage and the clean cabin air filter screens out toxins and allergens that you breath in your vehicle.

Clean the interior and exterior – You can't go on a vacation with a dirty car so the outlook of your vehicle is another thing you should do before your trip. Cleaning the exterior and the interior of your car doesn't have to be expensive thing. All you need are few household items form your own bathroom and kitchen and a little for your free time. First you must clean the interior before exterior and the most effective thing you can do is to vacuum the seats, clean and remove the floor mats and vacuum the carpets. The exterior of your car vehicle is maybe the most painstaking aspect of cleaning your car but however what you get to show off to other is a nice shiny exterior.

At the end be sure that you are properly maintain your car for the road. Also if you want to feel secure on the vacation hold to your log book service schedule or schedule an consultation with a local automotive mechanic. By doing this you can be peace of mind throw all road trip and vacation time.

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